
Thursday, August 7, 2008

E3 Playstation Press Conference

The Playstation E3 press conference was preety meh, Little Big Planet showcase looked preety cool I still wanna play it just maybe all get it when the price lowers a bit, however one thing that totally fucking looked kickass was Massive Action Game (MAG) all I have to say is wow, fuck that game looks awesome. Basically MAG is for the PS3 looks like it will come out late next year, my guess anyway and it is 256 person online shooter in 1 massive map, is this Playstations Halo who knows, but I personnaly think it looks way better then Halo. Other things at E3 that looked preety cool was Socom: Confrontation, and I am a preety big COD fan well at least number 4 and COD5: World at War is slated to come out soon now I am a bit nervous about this as the company who made this fucked up COD2,3 and now there making #5 so that makes me a bit nervous also, not really into the WW2 games that much they should fricken pick another war like Modern Warfare was preety cool they should do like Korea , or Vietnam or something but that might just hit to close to home for some... One last thing Playstation Home when are you coming out we need to shutup the Xboxers and there premium online already. Personnaly I don't see how they think live is so good all I want to be able to do when I play online is I want a free service where I can simply invite a friend to game he shows up we take via headset and play together thats all I want but hey Sony all ready gave us that but apparently thats not Premium to Xbox Fanboys a simple and free online system... I don't know how I got so offtopic maybe its just I don't like people who didn't pay a bit of extra money and buy a far better system, unless they really really like Halo..O well Microsoft can't just buy out another good Sony game to get it on there system cause MAG can only be played on a more powerful more superior hardware system that is the PS3 to much to handle for the Xbox.

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